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Day 1: Berlin

It really hasn't hit me yet. I still can't believe that I'm in Berlin... living here... for 3 months!

Long Night of Museums:

Sarah (an AIMer in Berlin) and I started my trip with the "Lange Nacht Der Museen" or "Long Night of Museums". With the purchase of one ticket, you had access to 80 museums and 800 events taking place around the city. Being the first day in Berlin, this was the perfect way for me to explore.

The first stop was "Deutsches Spionagemuseum" (a spy museum), which had exhibits showing the history of spies and how it has developed in the modern world.

Next was the "Deutsches Historisches Museum" (German History). We may have laughed too much at some of the portraits and had a good time imagining what life was like way back when. However, we were speechless when it came to the history of WWII. We can't even begin to imagine what life was like during this time period.

Our last stop was the DDR Museum (and yes we stopped after 3, even though all museums were open till 2am, because it was getting late and we were exhausted). The DDR Museum showed what life was like in East Berlin while the wall still split Berlin in half. It was quite interesting to see how drastic life was for them and how they dealt with it.

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