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Day 3: Life in Berlin

There are many thing that I will have to get used to.

1. Most stores (including grocery) are closed on Sunday.

2. Your life doesn't revolve around your schedule... it revolves around the U-bahn, S-bahn and Tram schedules.

3. You can't be soft spoken.

4. It will feel like leg day every day.

5. If someone tries to hand you something, don't take it. They're probably trying to take something from you or get you to buy it. Also, your purse is your best friend so always keep a hand on it.

6. Don't smile. It's considered flirting. But for real.

7. If you need help with translating or getting somewhere just ask. People are typically very friendly and then you have a new friend.

8. Almost every building has some sort of historical significance. So take lots of pictures.

9. Yes, there is a McD's 2 blocks away and you did pass a BK's on the S-Bahn but.... TRY NEW FOODS!

Living in a different country provides opportunities that may never come again. Being adventurous is the best way to enjoy my time here.

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