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When opportunity knocks... open the door!

I first heard about teaching abroad this past spring. A guy came in to talk about how he student taught in France and how he is currently teaching in France because of this. After class was done I went and talked to him about how he was able to do this. He told me about a program, through the school, that allowed him to pick a country and teach there. I knew this was something that I had to do.

I was bitten by the travel bug back in 2014 when I went on an AYC trip (missions trip) to Austria and Hungary. I fell in love with the cultures, languages, food, and the people. I loved it so much that I visited Austria again during my spring break in 2016.


Vienna, Austria Trip 2016:


With my love of traveling and my desire to teach, I applied to teach abroad and (spoiler alert) was accepted! My first choice was to teach in Vienna but God had other plans for me. I wasn't able to teach in Vienna but was accepted to teach at the Berlin British School in Germany.

I now know that God had this planned all along. He opened doors for me and I know that great things will come from this amazing opportunity I've been given.

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